you're invited INto Exclusive, intimate guidance—space is VERY limited…

are you willing to walk away from your tribe to choose a  new  timeline ?

A 2-hour mini-mind Class+ Immersive Q&A…
Receive Oracular, Creative and Strategic guidance to 
shamelessly become your richest identity yet.


the easiest 
$88 you'll 
ever invest


I’ve discovered that  money wounds  are rarely about money itself. 
Instead, “blocks" are more closely attached to how being 'rich'  
impacts both your personal system (your body) 
and your ecosystem (everyone/everything around you).

               Whether you are:
   * Becoming RICH for the first time
   * Inconsistently RICH
   * Are RICH but want more

This class goes beyond dusty, crusty, mindset work. If you know me, you know that my expertise is in the unseen, shadowy parts that people don't want to see or don't know how to.

This class is a co-creation between myself, spirit & those who have been praying for more money.

 This is for you. 

                                 (says the hypnotist

Money Mantras only go so far… truly reprogram, you need to uncover which parts of your survival feels threatened by being wealthy—only then can you shift.


what unrelatablyRICH will cover:


The unsexy Work:
Gauge your mind’s conditioning with a simple exercise, then start reprogramming it on the spot. No fluff, just real change—right from the call.


Small Shift, Big Ripples:
I’ll share a no-BS approach to money wounds that will get you out of “fix-it” mode and into embodying RICH as a lifestyle, not a goal.


The In-Between:
Find out where you’re stuck between two identities, and clear the addiction to your own stories. No more straddling two timelines— choose who you really are.


THE NON MONEY- MONEY WOUND: Discover how we subconsciously reject wealth to stay loyal and accepted by the tribal systems we were born into—avoiding rejection and choosing sameness instead. yes even the most audacious of you--still have this survival mechanism.


SELFISHNESS VS SELFLESSNESS: Play with the different archetypes of being selfish vs selfless in your body + learn how being more selfish is THE KEY to being good to the planet and generous with those around you.


ENERGY LEAK ASSESSMENT: Discover who and what is currently causing threat to your abundance + illuminate why you have decided to let this happen


YOUR CREATIVE CHANNEL: when you stop plugging into victim consciousness, scarcity, shame, homogenization and people pleasing, what your psychic channel receives WILL CHANGE. You will receive abundant ideas & offerings that people actually want to buy. In fact these ideas are already percolating in this very moment. In class we'll get to make room for them to land.

Move your calls, wake up early, stay up late or catch the replay--- but don't miss this opportunity.

In this class we'll be assessing where you may be stuck and how to disrupt the pattern.

There are countless reasons why I could have lived a life of scarcity and inconsistent wealth.

~~> As a child of hard-working immigrants, I was  indirectly  taught that people like us have to work harder than everyone else.

~~> As a healing practitioner, I watched my shamanic mentors live modestly, often needing 2-3 side jobs to make ends meet.

~~> My childhood religion drilled into me that it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.

~~>I had ZERO examples or evidence of successful online businesses thriving in energy healing and other intangible modalities.

~~> I didn't feel safe enough in my body to receive abundance, let alone embody it.

~~> NONE of my peers or anyone my age thought abundance was possible for them. everyone around me was playing in a handed down matrix. I was TOTALY unsupported by my environment.

~~> I was shamed by friends and mentors for wanting MORE and pointing out the flaws in “selfless” modesty.

I could have easily accepted this fate.

But instead, I went from offering $33 oracle card readings to closing multiple four- and five-figure contracts, building a healing arts business that now generates multiple six figures.

I’ve earned the trust of minds and leaders from Apple execs, Google execs to world-renowned astrologers, healers, creatives, and disruptors just like you.

I could have chosen scarcity...

Yet, I defied the odds. I’ve become unrelatablyRich, despite it all.

And so will you.

Meet Your Oracle Nathaly 

Nathaly Granja is an Oracle, Hypnotist, Strategist and Creative Director with over 11 years of client experience.   Before transitioning to the online space, Nathaly operated a brick-and-mortar business as a Shamanic Reiki Master Teacher and Hypnotist.

Since 2018, she has been guiding Healers, Leaders and Disruptors—both in their brands and channels—towards greater visibility, artistry, and wealth. Nathaly’s philosophy is to allow the unseen world to inform the seen strategies.. 

Whether clients are still in development of their business or refining to reach their next seven-figure year, you and your brand will stand out differentiated.  

She is the founder of the Granja Vortex Method Certification, which combines energy work and hypnosis to create world-renowned customized hypnotic tracks. Nathaly also created Oracle Business School, a mastermind and curriculum that meets at the intersection of energetics, reprogramming and new paradigm business strategy.

She is a Taurus Sun, Aries Moon, and Sagittarius Ascendant + a 5/1 Emotional Projector.




WHEN: October 8th, 2024               
1pm PST | 4pm EST | 9pm BST | 7am AEDT


2 hour class with QA for extra guidance


Follow along workbook to dive into your own shadow in real time


Replay will be sent after class. Due to timezone not all will be able to attend live--BUT you can submit your question for me to answer on the call + catch the replay


Everyone who signs up will automatically be entered into a giveaway for the chance to win a free customized affirmations track to anchor in the work we've done on the call.


Come as you are. whether you consider yourself successful or on your way there..we're not looking for perfection. this invitation is for those of you looking to do the messy work and get vulnerable in a safe circle of disruptors. the only way through---is in.


Come in your jammies, your sweats, your goddess attire- whateva--we'll all be in different time zones so honor what your body needs.

This  goes  beyond  business. . .  
this  is  your  Most  Abundant  Timeline™. . .

What people say about nathaly

"This woman is a  true master at her craft. Her medicine..

Her insights. Her skill. Her higher perspectives. Her care.

Her  X-ray vision  into the truth of the matter.

It is  rare  to experience this level of integrity, depth, mastery & laser focused clarity.

I feel privileged to have been able to work with Nathaly 1:1" 

Ayesha Durrani, 
7 Fig Astrologer & Business Strategist

"I was ready for a deep sense of stability and consistency which Nathaly authentically embodied within her business and life. I am so grateful to have just cultivated a very spacious and  expansive  astrology  certification  launch  of   200K+ euro  which allows for a delicious self-created salary over the next 12 months…. And from this point to build on this foundation with other brilliant ideas Nathaly helped me to cultivate."

Daisy Douglas, Visionary Astrologer 

"Bulletproof, stellar advice, showing me what I couldn't see + what my higher self would be leading me into.

She didn't rescue me, but she held my hand + guided me back to my throne. From my rock bottom she helped me rebuild the most stable, sustainable, sturdy business foundations where my body leads + my mind follows.

This breakthrough alone was worth the entire investment, and honestly I could never thank you enough for this AHHHH I'm tearing up!!! "

Corey Barsic, 
Astrology Embodiment Mentor

"I experienced deep personal shifts from Nathaly's insights. There were patterns and behaviors that I simply couldn't see on my own, especially with how I was using my energy.

I have such a different approach to how I work in my business now... The way I show up to create content or work with clients is different because I'm different,  and it's bringing truly incredible results...

Nathaly is  someone I would work with time and time again, and I'd recommend her to anyone who's looking for guidance and understanding around  how to build, grow, scale, or transform their business. "

Keolani Young, 
Human Design Mentor